Singing Guide: Nunsense 3 The Jamboree

Singing Guide: Nunsense 3 The Jamboree

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Nunsense 3 The Jamboree is a musical comedy that premiered in 1999. The show features a cast of five nuns from the Little Sisters of Hoboken, who are putting on a variety show to raise money for a new convent roof. In this article, we will explore how to learn singing like the character of Sister Mary Amnesia, who is known for her country-western style and humorous songs.

To start, it is important to analyze your voice type by taking Singing Carrots' vocal range test. Sister Mary Amnesia has a bright, high-pitched voice, so if you have a similar range, you will want to focus on developing your upper register. Singing Carrots' pitch training exercises, such as the Pitch Accuracy Test and the Pitch Training Game, can also help you improve your pitch accuracy.

Breathing is also a key element in singing country-western music. Singing Carrots' article on breathing basics and breath support can help you develop a strong breath control, which is essential for singing long phrases and holding notes.

In terms of vocal technique, Sister Mary Amnesia uses a lot of twang and nasality in her singing style. Singing Carrots' video on how to twang and how to reduce nasality can guide you in incorporating these techniques into your singing.

Sister Mary Amnesia is also known for her humorous songs, so it's important to work on articulation and emotion control. Singing Carrots' articles on articulation and singing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking can help you convey the humor and personality in your performances.

To specifically learn Sister Mary Amnesia's songs, you can use Singing Carrots' song search feature to find country-western songs that match your vocal range and genre preference. You can also check out Singing Carrots' song book feature to get linked lyrics, sheet music, and accompaniment tracks for your performances.

In terms of exercises, Singing Carrots' skill-related videos can also be useful. The video on chest voice and voice registers can help you develop your lower register, which will be important for singing country-western songs with depth and emotion. The Farinelli breathing exercise can also be useful for developing breath control. The Beggars Bounce and Diaphragm Bounce exercises also help you develop vibrato, which is a common trait in country-western singing.

In summary, to learn singing like Sister Mary Amnesia in Nunsense 3 The Jamboree, you will want to focus on developing your upper range, breath control, twang, nasality, articulation, and emotion control. Singing Carrots' resources, such as the vocal range test, pitch training exercises, articles, song search, and skill-related videos, can all help you in this process. With these tools, you'll be able to master Sister Mary Amnesia's country-western style and bring humor and personality to your performances.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.